“Blue Moon Lagoon” by OPI

Blue Moon Lagoon 3

When I learned I would be visiting the Blue Lagoon in Iceland, I immediately knew what nail polish I would be wearing when I went – probably not the average person’s response to such news, but then again this is me we are talking about. Anyway, given its name, “Blue Moon Lagoon” by OPI was…

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The Blue Lagoon Experience

If you’ve ever looked into visiting Iceland, then you know that The Blue Lagoon is one of the main attractions of the island. According to the official website, “The Blue Lagoon was formed in 1976 during operation at the nearby geothermal power plant. In the years that followed, people began to bathe in the unique…

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“Carry On” by Essie

Carry On

I know I just spent my last two posts going on and on about how I’ve been loving non-traditional, lighter colors for my nails recently, but looking at the landscapes of Iceland, I couldn’t resist a truly dark and vampy color at least once during my trip. The black volcanic rock found all over the…

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