How to Have a Productive Summer

If you’re a student, then summer vacation is right around the corner, or may have even already started if you’re lucky. Or maybe you’re like me and fortunate enough to have a free summer before you start your next adventure. Regardless of the reason, summertime is always a tempting period to waste the days away either binging countless series on Netflix, sleeping in past noon, and just being unproductive in general. I am guilty of all of these things, but have recently discovered some helpful tips that I wanted to share with my readers. So if you want to know how to have a productive summer, keep on reading below!

Get Up Out of Bed

This first tip might seem slightly obvious, but there have been countless days where I wake up at a decent time, but then spend the entire day in bed with my laptop. While I’m not entirely against having a “lay and slay” day every once in awhile, this type of routine is not healthy in the long run. So as soon as you wake up, I recommend you get up out of bed straight away. To keep yourself from getting back in, I would also propose you make your bed immediately. This way, your bed seems less inviting and you won’t be tempted to get back in even after breakfast.

Get Dressed for the Day

Again, this might seem painfully obvious, but if you have no set plans for the day, it might seem very tempting to stay in your pajamas all day. As I said before, I, too, do this type of thing every now and then, but if you’re really looking to make the most of your summer than I recommend you get dressed and do your hair and makeup so you can really start your day. By getting dressed and ready for the day, you will feel a bit more motivated to complete those tasks on your to-do list, rather than sitting on the couch all day.

Find a Hobby

Summertime is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby, especially if you have extra time on your hands. Taking up a new activity also means that you have a commitment to stick to. I usually go to dance class twice a week but as my studio goes on vacation during the summer I will be starting up with tennis again, and hopefully gymnastics as well! Fitness courses are a great way to get outdoors during the summer, as well as stay (or get) in shape which is another way to make your summer more productive. I also have decided to start learning French on my own, so if you’re looking for a less active hobby, try picking up a new language or skill and by the end of summer, you will be one step closer to mastering it!

Those are just a few tips on how I plan to make my summer more productive. I love having free time to do what I want, but I also want to make use of it as best as possible which is why I will be following these tips as well! If you have any additional tips please share them in the comments below!

Outfit Details

Shirt – Zara

Pants – Topshop

Shoes – TOD’S (similar here)

Purse – Coccinelle (similar here)

Sunglasses – Miu Miu

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